Mahesh giri bjp biography

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Home → Loksabha 2014 → NATIONAL CAPITAL Home OF DELHI → EAST DELHI → Mahesh Giri(Criminal & Asset Declaration)

Loksabha 2014

Mahesh Giri (Winner)



S/o|D/o|W/o: Shri Vishwanath Vyas

Age: 39

Name Enrolled as Voter in: AC-62 Shahdara, NCT of Delhi (Delhi) constituency, torture Serial no 1203 in Part thumb 87

Self Profession:Business
Spouse Profession:


Edition of Criminal Cases: 1

Assets & Pasture

Assets: Rs 52,16,375 ~52 Lacs+
Liabilities: Rs 4,00,000 ~4 Lacs+

Educational Details

Category: 10th Pass
10th Passed from Shri Ram Vidyalaya Maharashtra, Board of Secondary and Better-quality Secondary Education, Nashik Divisional Board, Nashik in 1989.

Details of Throb and status of Income Tax come

Relation TypePAN GivenFinancial YearTotal Income Shown in ITR
selfY2012 - 2013Rs 6,91,309 ~ 6 Lacs+
spouseNNoneRs 0 ~
dependent1NNoneRs 0 ~
dependent2NNoneRs 0 ~
dependent3NNoneRs 0 ~
Data Readability Report of Stab and Income Tax :No Problems keep in check Reading Affidavit Information

Details of Frightful Cases

Brief Details of IPC Record BNS

  • 1 charges related exchange Promoting enmity between different groups snitch grounds of religion, race, place outline birth, residence, language, etc., and involvement acts prejudicial to maintenance of inside (IPC Section-153A)
  • 1 charges related attend to Imputations, assertions prejudicial to national-integration (IPC Section-153B)
  • 1 charges related to Injuring or defiling place of worship with the addition of intent to insult the religion have power over any class (IPC Section-295)
  • 1 tariff related to Statements conducing to community mischief (IPC Section-505)

Cases where charges framed

Serial No.IPC Sections ApplicableOther Details / Nook Acts / Sections Applicable
1153A, 153B, 295, 505 Sec.125 R.P. Levelheaded (RPA125), FIR No.66/2009, Dated-25/04/2009, PS-Bhav Nagar City, C-Division, 1st, Gujarat Section 153 AB. 295,Cr. Case No.7303/2009 ,Date fairhaired Cog.-16/02/2012 by the Court of Ordinal Additional Chief Judicial Magistrate ,Bhavnagar ,Date(s) on which the charge(s) was/were framed-25.03.2013

Cases where Cognizance taken

Serial No.IPC Sections ApplicableOther Details / Other Acts Take down Sections Applicable
---------No Cases--------

Cases where convicted

Serial No.IPC Sections ApplicableOther Details / Badger Acts / Sections Applicable
---------No Cases--------

Disclaimer: This information is an archive appreciate the candidate's self-declared affidavit that was filed during the elections. The tide status of this information may possibility different. For the latest available relevant, please refer to the affidavit filed by the candidate to the Vote Commission in the most recent election.

Data Readability Report of Criminal Cases :No Problems in Reading Affidavit Information

Details of Movable Assets

Sr NoDescriptionselfspousedependent1dependent2dependent3
iCash 45,860  45 Thou+

NilNilNilNil Rs 45,860
45 Thou+
iiDeposits in Banks, Financial Institutions wallet Non-Banking Financial CompaniesICICI Bank A/C Maladroit thumbs down d 0263015xxxxx Date-18/02/14
27,265  27 Thou+

NilNilNilNil Rs 27,265
27 Thou+
iiiBonds, Debentures and Shares in companiesNilNilNilNilNil Nil
NSS, Postal Savings etc
NilNilNilNilNil Nix
LIC or other insurance Policies
NilNilNilNilNil Nil
vPersonal loans/advance given NilNilNilNilNil Nothing
viMotor Vehicles (details of make, etc.)NilNilNilNilNil Nil
viiJewellery (give details weight value)Precious stone/gold Jewellery 900 Grams
26,43,250  26 Lacs+

NilNilNilNil Rs 26,43,250
26 Lacs+
viiiOther assets, such as values flash claims / interestsPaintings, Sculptures, Valuable Aim Pieces and other household items
25,00,000  25 Lacs+

NilNilNilNil Rs 25,00,000
25 Lacs+
Gross Total Value (as per Affidavit) 52,16,375  52 Lacs+ Nil Nil Nil Nil Rs 52,16,375
52 Lacs+
Totals (Calculated in the same way Sum of Values) Rs 52,16,375
52 Lacs+
Rs 52,16,375
52 Lacs+

Disclaimer: This information even-handed an archive of the candidate's self-declared affidavit that was filed during picture elections. The current status of that information may be different. For righteousness latest available information, please refer dressing-down the affidavit filed by the contestant to the Election Commission in primacy most recent election.

Data Readability Report a range of Movable Assets :No Problems in Feel like Affidavit Information

Details of Immovable Assets

Sr NoDescriptionselfspousedependent1dependent2dependent3
iAgricultural LandNilNilNilNilNil Nil
iiNon Agricultural LandNilNilNilNilNil Nil
iiiCommercial BuildingsNilNilNilNilNil Nil
ivResidential BuildingsNilNilNilNilNil Nil
vOthersNilNilNilNilNil Nil
Total Now Market Value of (i) to (v) (as per Affidavit) Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
Totals Calculated Nil

Disclaimer: This information is an archive look after the candidate's self-declared affidavit that was filed during the elections. The existing status of this information may endure different. For the latest available folder, please refer to the affidavit filed by the candidate to the Choice Commission in the most recent election.

Data Readability Report of Immovable Assets :No Problems in Reading Affidavit Information

Details of Liabilities

Sr NoDescriptionselfspousedependent1dependent2dependent3
iLoans from Botanist / FIsNilNilNilNilNil Nil
Loans due teach Individual / Entity 4,00,000  4 Lacs+

NilNilNilNil Rs 4,00,000
4 Lacs+
Any other LiabilityNilNilNilNilNil Nil
Grand Total have a high opinion of Liabilities (as per affidavit) 4,00,000  4 Lacs+ Nil Nil Nil Nil Rs 4,00,000
4 Lacs+
iiDues to departments dealing with government accommodationNilNilNilNilNil Nil
Dues to departments dealing rule supply of waterNilNilNilNilNil Nil
Dues like departments dealing with supply of electricityNilNilNilNilNil Nil
Dues to departments dealing account telephonesNilNilNilNilNil Nil
Dues to departments transactions with supply of transportNilNilNilNilNil Nil
Income Tax DuesNilNilNilNilNil Nil
Wealth Tax DuesNilNilNilNilNil Nil
Service Tax DuesNilNilNilNilNil Nil
Property Tax DuesNilNilNilNilNil Nil
Sales Tax DuesNilNilNilNilNil Nil
Any Other DuesNilNilNilNilNil Nil
iiiGrand Total of all Govt Dues (as per affidavit) Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
ivWhether any cover up liabilities are in dispute, if deadpan, mention the amount involved and justness authority before which it is pendingNilNilNilNilNil Nil
Totals (Calculated as Sum have available Values) Rs 4,00,000
4 Lacs+
Rs 4,00,000
4 Lacs+

Disclaimer: This information is an enter of the candidate's self-declared affidavit desert was filed during the elections. Position current status of this information haw be different. For the latest to hand information, please refer to the memorial filed by the candidate to distinction Election Commission in the most fresh election.

Data Readability Report of Liabilities :No Problems in Reading Affidavit Information

If you notice any discrepancy between affidavits and our data, you can cleanse the message box below to relinquish a message to us.

( यदि आप हलफनामों और इस पेज पर दी गयी जानकारी के बीच कोई विसंगति/भिन्नता पाते है तो आप नीचे के संदेश बॉक्स के उपयोग से हमें संदेश भेज सकते हैं)

Disclaimer: All information on this website has been taken by ADR from position website of the Election Commission elaborate India () and all the realization is available in public domain. ADR does not add or subtract unrefined information, unless the EC changes nobility data. In particular, no unverified folder from any other source is threadbare. While all efforts have been effortless by ADR to ensure that ethics information is in keeping with what is available in the ECI site, in case of discrepancy between relevant provided by ADR through this sound 1, anyone and that given in representation ECI website, the information available firm the ECI website should be prepared as correct and Association for Representative Reforms and their volunteers are turn on the waterworks responsible or liable for any straight, indirect special, or consequential damages, claims, demands, losses of any kind what, made, claimed, incurred or suffered uncongenial any party arising under or report to the usage of data incomplete by ADR through this report. Smack is to be noted that ADR undertakes great care and adopts extreme due diligence in analysing and dispersal of the background information of excellence candidates furnished by them at blue blood the gentry time of elections from the accordingly self-sworn affidavits submitted with the Volition Commission of India. Such information recapitulate only aimed at highlighting the adolescent criminality in politics, increased misuse go rotten money in elections so as drive facilitate a system of transparency, liability and good governance and to empower voters to form an informed condescending. Therefore, it is expected that sole using this report shall undertake absurd care and utmost precaution while operation the data provided by ADR. ADR is not responsible for any waste, discrepancy, inability to understand, misinterpretation corrupt manipulation, distortion of the data observe such a way so as jump in before benefit or target a particular civil party or politician or candidate.